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Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program (AHSC)

Administered by the Strategic Growth Council and implemented by the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), the AHSC Program funds land-use, housing, transportation, and land preservation projects to support infill and compact development that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 


Funding for the AHSC Program is provided from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF), an account established to receive Cap-and-Trade auction proceeds.


The AHSC Program will assist project areas by providing grants and/or loans, or any combination thereof, that will achieve GHG emissions reductions and benefit Disadvantaged Communities through increasing accessibility of affordable housing, employment centers, and key destinations via low-carbon transportation resulting in fewer vehicle miles traveled through shortened or reduced trip length or mode shift from Single Occupancy Vehicle use to transit, bicycling, or walking. 


Three Project Area types have been identified to implement this strategy:

  • Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Project Areas,

  • Integrated Connectivity Project (ICP) Project Areas, or

  • Rural Innovation Project Areas (RIPA).

2023 AHSC Notice of Funding Availability (Round 7)

These AHSC funds will be used for loans or grants, or a combination thereof, to projects that will achieve GHG emissions reductions to benefit communities throughout California, particularly through increasing accessibility to affordable housing and Key Destinations via low-carbon transportation, resulting in fewer vehicle miles traveled through shortened or reduced trip length or mode shift from single occupancy vehicle use to transit, bicycling, or walking.


Due: April 4, 2023

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