2022 State and Federal Income, Rent, and Loan/Value Limits
Income limits, rents, and loan-to-value limits are determined according to each development’s financing and the rules that pertain to that financing. Each of these three sections identifies which limit determination to use under which program. Check with your program contact if you are unsure which limit applies.
Multifamily Housing Program, Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program, Veterans Housing and Homelessness Prevention Income, Rent, and Loan Limits
Check the MHP Income and Rent Limit Calculator (XLSM) to determine the income and rent for the specific year that your project was placed in service. Please call your AMC Program Representative if you have any questions about the MHP limits.
Official State Income Limits for 2021
California State Income Limits apply to State and local affordable housing programs statutorily linked to HUD income limits and differ from income limits applicable to other specific federal, State, or local programs.
CDBG, HOME and NHTF/HHC Article I - Income, Value, Subsidy, and Rent Limits
These tables include income limits for three federal programs when administered by HCD: CDBG, HOME and NHTF. The tables are not intended for use by local jurisdictions that receive these funds directly from HUD.
2021 HOME Income Limits (PDF)
2021 HOME Homeownership Value Limits: Existing Homes (PDF)
2021 HOME Homeownership Value Limits: New Homes (PDF)
2021 HOME Homeownership Value Limits: HOME Value Limit waiver request Memorandum (PDF)
2021 Rent Limits HOME (PDF)
Consumer Price Index (CPI) Factor for Rent Increase Calculation
Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing in California - Interactive Map
HCD created an interactive statewide AFFH Data Viewer to assist in the assessment of fair housing. HCD solicited feedback from advocates, councils of government, partner public agencies, and academic research groups to ensure the first iteration of the tool consolidates relevant data and provides options for addressing each component within the Assessment of Fair Housing (within the Housing Element). It consists of mapped data layers in six categories:
Fair Housing Enforcement and Outreach Capacity
Segregation and Integration
Disparities in Access to Opportunity
Disproportionate Housing Needs/Displacement Risk
Racially Concentrated Areas of Poverty and Affluence
Supplemental Data
The interactive maps can be explored in any internet browser and exported as a PDF, jpeg, and other image files. In addition, the underlying data layers can be downloaded for offline data analysis. HCD plans to continuously update these map layers and add additional data, as well as incorporate user feedback. Comments can be submitted to AFFHGuidance@hcd.ca.gov.