HOME assists cities, counties, and non-profit community housing development organizations (CHDOs) to create and retain affordable housing for lower-income renters or owners. HOME funds are available as loans for housing rehabilitation, new construction, and acquisition and rehabilitation of single- and multifamily projects and as grants for tenant-based rental assistance. At least 50 percent of the amount is awarded to rural applicants and 15 percent is set aside for CHDOs. Funds are available in California communities that do not receive HOME funding directly from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
2023 Federal Income Limits
Updated Income Limits (effective June 15, 2023) for the HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME), Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, and National Housing Trust Fund Program (NHTF) — which is currently funding the Housing for a Healthy California (HHC) Article I Program — are now available.
The Income Limits are used to determine applicant eligibility, and may be used to calculate affordable housing costs for applicable housing assistance programs. Use of these Income Limits are subject to a particular program's definition of income, family, family size, effective dates, and other factors.
To view the limits, please visit HCD's State and Federal Income, Rent, and Loan/Value Limits webpage and open the “CDBG, HOME and NHTF/HHC Article I – Income, Value, Subsidy and Rent Limits” folder.
To view the limits, please visit HCD's State and Federal Income, Rent, and Loan/Value Limits webpage and click on "CDBG, HOME, and NHTF/HHC Article I - Income, Value, Subsidy, and Rent Limits." It's the first document under "HOME Maximum Per-Unit Subsidy Limits."
2023 HOME Maximum Per-Unit Subsidy Limits effective April 7, 2023
The California Department of Housing and Community Development is pleased to announce the release of the HUD 2023 HOME Maximum Per-Unit Subsidy Limits, effective April 7, 2023. These limits establish the maximum amount of HOME funds (including Activity Delivery Costs) that can be expended on any HOME-assisted unit.
To view the limits, please visit HCD's State and Federal Income, Rent, and Loan/Value Limits webpage and click on "CDBG, HOME, and NHTF/HHC Article I - Income, Value, Subsidy, and Rent Limits." It's the first document under "HOME Maximum Per-Unit Subsidy Limits."