Non-CoC Funding Opportunities
The CSCoC serves as the Continuum of Care (CoC) for the counties of Amador, Calaveras, Mariposa and Tuolumne in California's Central Sierra foothill region. While certain funding is available through the CSCoC, other funding must be applied for directly by eligible providers for appropriate programs. In order to help coordinate and plan services and initiatives surrounding homelessness, ensure that knowledge is shared, relationships are built, and common goals are reached, we are pleased to offer information on these funding opportunities here.
For information on funding opportunities directed through the CSCoC, please click HERE.
For a list of upcoming important dates, including application deadlines and webinars, please click HERE.
Funding Updates
Here are the programs which most recently released a notice of funding availability. Clicking the link will take you to a related subpage dedicated to that particular program. General update information will be posted below.
Released Summer 2022
Released Spring 2022
CA Department of Housing and Community Development
NOFA Calendar - updated February 2022
2021 ESG Continuum of Care Allocation
NOFA - Applications due no later than October 19, 2021
HUD Awards $1.1 Billion in American Rescue Plan Funds for Emergency Housing Vouchers
The initial allocation of Emergency Housing Vouchers allotted 200 vouchers to the regional area that includes the CSCoC (see line 72, via the Housing Authority of the County of Stanislaus).
WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Marcia L. Fudge today announced the awarding of the first tranche of American Rescue Plan funds for Emergency Housing Vouchers (EHVs) for individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness. Specifically, HUD is awarding $1.1 billion – 70,000 vouchers – for 626 public housing authorities (PHAs) administering the Housing Choice Voucher Program. Click here for a full list of awards.
Today’s awarding of $1.1 billion in EHVs is part of $5 billion that the American Rescue Plan Act enabled HUD to allocate in additional vouchers to PHAs. HUD allocated these vouchers to communities with the greatest need for EHVs and where local housing authorities demonstrated capacity to administer this vital assistance. The EHV program serves geographically diverse housing needs, from high-cost urban areas to a large number of rural communities.
EHV funding gives communities significant resources to assist individuals and families who are homeless; at risk of homelessness; fleeing, or attempting to flee, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or human trafficking; or recently homeless. EHVs help individuals and families find housing and remain stably housed long-term.
CalHFA Section 811 NOFA Update
Round II is an allocation of project-based rental assistance funds targeted to Medi-Cal eligible Persons with Disabilities
As of March 1, 2021, the program has approximately $4 million dollars remaining. Applications are still being accepted
The project’s Rental Assistance Contract with CalHFA must be executed no later than September 30, 2021. All contracted units must be initially occupied no later than June 30, 2025.
Released March 2021
CDBG and CDBG-Coronavirus Response Programs
HUD has released a new Frequently Asked Questions document for Emergency Payments in response to coronavirus. Notably – the FAQ provides guidance that defines the covered period of 3-6 months as follows:
The emergency payments period begins when the payment is made, not when the household’s arrearages began. If a household is one or more months in arrears, a grantee may cover some or all of the amount in arrears within the first month of assistance and continue through the applicable consecutive period of assistance (3-6 months).
ATTENTION: HUD No Longer Using HUD Exchange for HUD-Issued Program/Competition Information
Effective immediately, HUD’s Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs (SNAPS) will use two different listservs on HUD’s website to communicate information regarding information developed by HUD/SNAPS concerning:
Continuum of Care (CoC) Program;
Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Programs;
Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP);
Other Notices of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) developed by SNAPS; and
Any other information related to SNAPS programs and the work to end homelessness.
Information and guidance produced by HUD technical assistance providers regarding SNAPS programs remains on the HUD Exchange and new information will continue to appear. However, please be advised that documents and communication written by SNAPS will no longer be distributed through the HUD Exchange listserv. Please communicate this information to your homeless organizations, local government contacts, interested stakeholders, etc.
As soon as you can, please sign up for the listservs to avoid missing important information regarding the FY 2021 CoC Program Competition, including GIW release, and other information related to SNAPS programs.
Subscribe to the SNAPS Competitions listserv HERE
Subscribe to the SNAPS Program Information listserv HERE
Potential Funding Sources for Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU)
CalHome Program – State funds to local public agencies and nonprofit corporations for first-time homebuyer mortgage assistance including a home purchase with an ADU or JADU; owner-occupied rehabilitation assistance including rehabilitation of ADUs or JADUs; ADU/JADU assistance including construction, repair, and reconstruction; and homeownership development project loans including predevelopment and carrying costs during construction related to ADUs and JADUs (HCD CalHome program)
Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) Grants – State grants to local jurisdictions including eligible partnerships for housing planning, and developing or improving an ADU ordinance in compliance with Section 65852.2 of the Government Code (HCD LEAP program)
Local Housing Trust Fund (LHTF) Program – Matching funds to local and regional housing trust funds. Funds may also be used for the construction, conversion, repair, reconstruction or rehabilitation of ADUs or JADUs (HCD LHTF program)
Regional Early Action Planning (REAP) Grants – Grants to council of governments (COGs) and other regional entities for activities relating to housing planning and activities including establishing Prohousing Policies such as adopting ADU ordinances or other mechanisms that reduce barriers for property owners to create ADUs (HCD REAP program)
SB 2 Planning Grants – Grants to local governments including eligible partnerships for housing planning and to encourage ADUs and other innovative building types through ordinances, outreach, fee waivers, pre-approved plans, website zoning clearance assistance, and other homeowner tools or finance tools (HCD SB2 program)
Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) – Federal funds allocated to non-entitlement jurisdictions, and non-entitlement jurisdictions that partner with non-federally recognized Native American communities for community development activities including single- and multi-family rehabilitation and potential local ADU rehabilitation and planning programs. Applicants must be income qualified in low- to moderate-income households for rehabilitation and areas for planning. Contact your local jurisdictions for more information.