The Transitional Age Youth (TAY) Program encompasses three programs to prevent homelessness and secure and maintain housing for young adults aged 18 to 24 years, inclusive, with priority given to those currently or formerly in the foster care or probation systems.
Through the Housing Navigation and Maintenance Program (HNMP), the Transitional Housing Program (THP), and the Transitional Housing Plus Housing Supplement Program (THPSUP), eligible counties receive funding to support child welfare services agencies and housing navigation and maintenance to help house our most vulnerable young adults. It is encouraged that the county coordinate with the local Continuum of Care to foster communication and collaboration.
TAY Local Awards 2022 *
Housing Navigation Transitional Housing
County of Calaveras $14,632 $26,568
County of Tuolumne $9,754 $53,156
* These projects are not affiliated with the CSCoC, but we applaud and support our local agencies. These numbers are accurate as of April 2023.